First opened in 1978, Crosbie House draws its name from its first medical director the late Dr. Jack Crosbie. Throughout those years, our success has developed from our deep understanding of addiction. Addiction is using too much again and again, not being able to stop when you want to, hurting others when you don’t want to. And yes, we can stop it all.
Addiction is a disease of the brain. Addiction is not due to a moral failure or lack of willpower. The first time a person gambles, takes drugs or alcohol, it is by choice. But over time, with continued use, the substance or behavior can “hijack” the reward system in the brain and destroy a person’s ability to make good choices and control their behaviour.
The good news is just as the brain molded itself around addiction, with treatment, time and continuing commitment to abstinence it can be molded around recovery. Treatment at Crosbie provides tools and a context for clients to learn new ways of living without alcohol, drugs or gambling. Aftercare for the individual and programs for family members lay the foundation for sustained abstinence and a much richer and happier life.