For Employers
Organizations have an obligation to the safety and wellbeing of employees, customers, and the public and can only remain competitive with a healthy workforce. Our partners and supporters understand the disease of addiction and care about their employees and community.
We are available not only for questions from individuals and partners but, will gladly speak with any employer in general about our services and options available to assist their employees. We can work with you and advise on a plan to restore a healthy workforce while ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
The return on investment is huge but, the return on saving a life is immeasurable. Some of the typical employer services are:
- Employee/manager education & awareness
- Timely assessment and treatment
- Aftercare support for client and family
- Progress reports on request
Send a message to your employees – show your support!
Assessments can normally be completed within 48 hours and admission is usually within a week. We include post-treatment aftercare with reporting available.
Our Partners
Crosbie is the treatment centre of choice for most of Atlantic Canada’s largest employers.